Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tanner James Dickamore

Tanner James Dickamore made his entrance into the world on Saturday September 15, 2012 at 9:28 a.m. He weighed in at 5 lbs 11 oz and 18 1/2 inches of pure perfection!! We adore this little guy and are so happy he is here safe and healthy!! No matter how many babies I have I still am amazed by the miracle they are!! We are truly blessed to have such an amazing family!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Blog. . . What's that?!

I have not blogged in forever, mostly because we have been busy, but also because since we went private I felt like no one really checks it. However a few people have been saying they miss reading about the girls, so here is what's happening with us. Tyler is still going to school and on schedule to graduate with his BA in business in December! I am so grateful that he has gone to school, but even more grateful to be done and to have a husband again and my kids to have a dad!! Crazy how much time work and school can take up! I am doing well, expecting our 3rd child (Tanner) in about 8 weeks and getting very nervous and anxious for this little one. How am I possibly old enough to have 3 kids?!? ALso how do you juggle three. . . Yikes anxiety just thinking about it. Tylee is having a birthday this month!! She is going to be the big 5 and start kindergarten. WHere did the time go? I am pretty sure she was just born. She amazes me with how smart she is! She knows her letters, numbers, how to write them and her name. She is even learning how to add and subtract(Thanks to her dad). She LOVES playing with friends and seriously can't wait to turn 5. As a matter of fact when Tyler told her that her birthday was in 9 days she started crying because she was so happy. Sydnee turned 3 in March. She is our little cuddle bug! She loves to hug, kiss, and be held. SHe will often come up to us and say "I just want to cuddle you" She is very sweet, but oh so sensitive! She is also spunky and feisty! She knows how to count to 20 (because of dad) and almost has her ABC's down. She loves the dinosaur park and dinosaurs! She loves to sing "Ariel" and the song from Rio! SHe is doing great at potty training and sleeping in a big girl bed.
She cracks us up!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Stationery card

Joyful Memories Christmas Card
Custom Christmas cards are always available at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy happy birthday baby girl!!

Tylee had her 4th birthday. . . in August. . . ya that's how great I am at blogging. Someday I will be better so I can turn it into a book, maybe next year.

I have to start this post by saying how incredibly grateful I am for my amazing little Tylee. For those of you who know her, you know she has a crazy sense of humor, sweet personality, and is just a fun girl to be around. As her 4th birthday approached I asked her the theme she would like. . . princess, barbie, tinkerbell, Dora. . . NOPE she insisted on having Justin Bieber. It was quite the party! She was spoled rotten with all the gifts she got, including 2 Justin Bieber barbies,, Justin Bieber poster, Justin Bieber notebooks and a easy bake oven, crafts galore, and many many more things!
Edie However made her day with a life sized Justin Bieber cutout. . . Ya pretty awesome!
So happy birthday Baby Ty, we love you and everything you bring to our family. . . even the non stop singing and talking about Justin Bieber!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Sydnee is growing so fast!! She is walking around everywhere, can go up and down stairs, and LOVES to play outside.
She knows what a puppy and fish say. She knows where her belly, nose, and eyes are. She can say so many words. . .
outside, bubba, mommy, daddy, baby, puppy, hi, Tylee, and many more.
Syder bug LOVES animals and shoes. . . she loves shes so much she likes to have a pair on her feet and a pair on her hands!! She is such a sweet little girl and is my little buddy! She loves to be with mommy all the time, but loves to play with daddy! She loves to follow Tylee around and wants everything Tylee has. She is a sweet little baby and I LOVE her kissable cheeks! She has the sweetest laugh you have ever heard and her cuddles and kisses melt my heart in a second! Sydee I love you so much and can't imagine my life without you!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tylee's preschool graduation

Tylee graduated preschool! Her program was AMAZING to say the least. She had to memorize a part and flew through it no problems! I am amazed at how fast she is growing and how much she learns!! She is an amazing girl! She is currently LOVING Justin Bieber and can sing ALL of "Baby, Baby, Oh".
Our latest conversation
Tylee: Mom want to play Justin Bieber?!"
Me: Sure. . .
Tylee: who do you want to be? I will be Justin Bieber. . .
Me: Ummm I will be his mom
Tylee: NO. . . You want to be Usher????
Me: How do you know who Usher is?!
Tylee: Mom didn't you watch the Justin Bieber movie?!?! (in a totally disgusted voice)
This girl kills me! She is the funniest, sweetest, and one of the most perfect little girls I know!! I am so grateful for her in my life! She teaches me something new daily. Her kindness for others astounds me, her love for her sister amazes me, and her sense of humor reminds me that life doesn't need to be so serious. Tylee girl thanks for teaching me so much! I love you more than you know!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


One year ago this week Sydnee Elizabeth was born! She has been an amazing blessing in our lives!
She is an amazing little girl. She always has a smile on her face. Her smile can melt me in a second and those chubby cheeks are so irresistible! Sydnee is shy but silly. She loves to play with her older sister, especially chasing her!
She loves her daddy especially when he tickles her.
She can say "hi daddy" , dada, mama, bubba, she knows what a puppy says, and where her nose is.
She is in the 50% for her weight and 75% for her height.
She can crawl up stairs with no problem, can walk all over the furniture, and she can stand by herself for quite a long time.
We LOVE our little Sydnee bug and we are excited for everything to come with her. Happy Birthday sweet Sydnee!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tylee is growing up and getting so big!!
She is loving preschool and dance, she does however want to add tumbling to the mix. . . I don't think I can handle that
many things so I told her this summer maybe LOL
She LOVES to ing songs and is constantly making us laugh. She says the craziest things. . . I really need to be better about writing them down! She Still loves Harry Potter and has currently been wearing her Harry Potter Tie for a week now!
Tylee is very into coloring and is very good at it! She LOVES Farrs fresh Ice cream and would go everyday if we let her.
She is a great big sister and is actually quite patient with Sydnee.
Sydnee has 2 yes 2 teeth and is currently working on cutting 4 more on top. . . the joys!
She is a master of crawling, standing, and scaling furniture, however she has no desire what so ever to walk.
She can say hi, dad, bubba, mama, hi dad, and yay! She knows what a puppy says and does the little ruff so cute! It makes me smile everytime. SHe LOVES pretending anything and everything is a phone and that she is talking to her dad. She just sits and says "hi dad, Hi dada" Pretty funny!
Tylee and Sydnee love playing together! Especially in the bathtub, our bathroom looks like a monsoon hit it after every bath!
I love hearing them laugh and play together and I hope they always have fun together!
We have 2 amazing girls. It amazes me how fast they are growing up! I feel like I was just pregnant with Sydnee and she is
the big 1 this month?! Where did the time go?!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well there has been so much going on and I have not blogged in FOREVER!!!!
Sydnee is mobile and army crawls everywhere. . . she can crawl on her hands and knees
but for some reason prefers the army crawl and is amazingly fast! She can find
ANYTHING on the floor no matter how small and no matter how vacuumed
it may be! She has her bottom teeth now and looks adorable with them! She still
has her crazy everywhere hair, but we love it!
She is extremely happy and has the cutest smile and laugh! She loves her daddy, but is definately
a mommies girl!
She got her first really bad sickness a few weeks ago,104 degree fevers, followed by an awful rash aka
Roseola! Poor girl she was miserable! She is 9 months old now and weighs in at 20 lbs. We love having her in our family!
Tylee is learning so much and is so smart!! She had her first dance recital and LOVED it (even dancing in front of 400+ people!
When she was finished she said "Oh my gosh mom that was so fun!!! They LOVED me" She is so not shy!
She also had her preschool program and memorized a part for it! "Now dasher, now dancer, now prancer and vixen
on comet on cupid on donner and blitzen" Ya, she memorized and said it with NO help! AMazing if you ask me!
she loves to color and is so good at it! She also is a pretty funny little stinker and makes us laugh regularly!
She is sweet and just a ball of energy and we lover her!
Tylee is 3 1/2 and is 27 lbs and a cutie!
Christmas post to come. . . maybe . . . hopefully. . .

No more hair for me

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random pictures

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Balancing act

Tyler loves to do this with our kids! When he did it with Tylee it would scare the heck out of me, but he never dropped her so it does not scare me quite as bad with Sydnee. . . still makes me a little nervous.
Sydnee you are gettting so strong and big to do this!!
I love her face in these pictures.
And what do ya know?! Tylee still loves to do it too!

Beautiful girls